Testimonials from Home Educators
Parents and home educators rely on Easy Grammar Systems' series of teaching and review texts to instruct their students on the basics of grammar. Read why Easy Grammar Systems has earned a reputation for quality among home educators.
"My daughter has gone from being totally confused & frustrated & not really grasping grammar, to whizzing through your curriculum & actually liking it…I have been homeschooling my children & others for 25 years, and this is definitely the best grammar curriculum I’ve ever seen. I am recommending it at home school seminars..."
E. Jung, Missionary in Mexico "We home school our children. A year ago we used Easy Grammar. Last year we used a different curriculum. I feel we just wasted an entire year! My boys are being tutored by a retired English teacher. He said he wished the public schools would use Easy Grammar! You have a customer until my kids are out of school!"
K. Tautges, Sheboygan, WI "Just wanted to say that I LOVE your Easy Grammar! I used it with our two oldest children. We were doing *, and they just couldn't get it. We started using your 5th & 6th grade book. My kids went through it and were able to do the rest of the…program. They tested out way into college level. Now they are in college, and my two youngest are going to do your grammar program.
My mother worked for ACE (School of Tomorrow) in the English department, and she loves the way you build your grammar program. Just wanted to tell you how much we appreciate your books!" L. Cole, Sagle, ID "I have just finished reviewing your books, and I will be heartily recommending them. In my opinion they are the best I've seen for workbook type teaching of grammar. As a matter of fact, I review this curriculum purely to review it for the teachers in my school, and have decided to use them for my own children. I have used for 6 years for all three of my children in school, and I find this superior."
L. Bailey, U.S.A. "Your grammar program, Easy Grammar, is just what you said, "easy grammar" plus more. I used your program for three years as I homeschooled my children. Because I did not have a very good background in grammar, I was hesitant to teach my children, but using Easy Grammar and Daily Grams was very easy to understand. The program gave my children a lot of confidence, and they really enjoyed doing the Daily Grams. I learned right along with my kids. Thank you for putting together a program that is extremely user-friendly."
B. Pollack, U.S.A. |
"I started with the grammar curriculum that was recommended by the home school curriculum company that I ordered from. It didn't take me long to realize that these materials were moving along too fast and not allowing enough time to master the concepts being presented. I am now using Easy Grammar to homeschool my children. The material is presented in a straight-forward manner and with enough practice pages to truly master the concepts presented. My boys no longer dread grammar and actually view breaking down sentences like finding pieces of a puzzle. Your teacher's manual is great! It is the best teacher's manual from all the curriculum I ordered. Perfect for home schooling mothers who may not have had grammar themselves for many years. Your manual makes me look like I know what I am talking about."
M. LaFerney, Chinhae, South Korea "There has to be an easy, clear grammar program out there and, well, here's one. I was so tired of all the long, involved teacher’s books. I bought the Easy Grammar: Grades 3-4 teacher book which includes the student worksheets that you can copy.…It teaches first to identify the prepositional phrase and cross it out so that the rest of the sentence can be identified. (I actually incorporated this method into my college classes to help nail down the correct meaning of long sentences or just to make sure that subject and verbs agree for term papers.) My son is breezing through this program, and he did not do well with (* or *) programs last year. He's in 3rd grade, and I did a language arts diagnostic test on him…he tested out at beginning 5th grade level (and I don’t push him)….it is such a stress-free, solid grammar course. Try it; you'll like it. I did. I love it!"
R. Carfizzi, Cumming, GA "I think this is the most effective grammar teaching tool available, since it is concise, effective, and easy to use, and enables students to retain the concepts."
The Always Incomplete, Resource Guide and Catalog "I have schooled my boys at home for 8 years. We LOVE your grammar series. My oldest son used to struggle with grammar but has greatly improved with your materials." D. Braun, Ovalo , TX "It is with great appreciation that I want to express how much I love all the English books you have written. I have used many curricula with my five children and never found any grammar books I like as well. Thank you for making them clear and easy to understand!"
L. Airy, U.S.A. "Another company's grammar program was stated. However, out of respect for our competitors, we have chosen not to print the name of the book or course."
Wanda C. Phillips |